Health and Wellness
Top 10 healthiest fruits
There are so many fruits to pick from that sometimes we may not know which ones to pick for our daily bowls or smoothies. It is said that “an apple a day can keep the doctor away”, but what do you really know about apples and their health benefits? In Waku we want you to live informed and consume responsibly knowing what you want to obtain and how to do it. That is why, we have gathered our top 10 favorite fruits based on how healthy and easy to find they are so that you can know exactly what to buy next time you go to the farmers market. Enjoy!
Top 5 Natural Hair Masks and their Benefits
Our hair is part of our letter of presentation. We all want to keep it thick, healthy and shiny. However, with all the weather changes that we are constantly exposed to, it is hard to maintain a consistency in our hair care. Even though there are a lot of hair mask options in drugstores and hairdressers, sometimes it is very hard to know all of their components and how each of them may or may not affect our hair structure either positively or negatively.
Because in Waku we believe that natural is always better, on this occasion we have gathered our top 5 selection of homemade natural hair masks that you can make for your hair to look and feel better. Homemade hair masks are great for soothing and repairing cuticles damaged from coloring, hot tools, salt water, and even chlorine. Take a look at this exclusive selection of hair masks that actually work!
Top 10 Food and Drinks that Help Relieve Period Cramps and Bloating
Have you ever experienced period cramps and bloating? These symptoms that may come every month are not only painful and uncomfortable, but are also associated with fatigue and interfere with your ability to move around and go through your daily routine.
You may have to take a specific kind of medicine to deal with this or see your gynecologist for help, but today, we want to share a few natural remedies that may help relieve or deal with cramps and bloating.
If you’re looking to adjust your diet and stock up on foods that might help with cramps and bloating, here are some to try:
Our Top Fruit and Vegetable Spring Selection
Meal prepping or following a diet may seem harder in seasons like winter or summer, when we either need a lot of calories and warm foods, or we are going out a lot and drinking refreshing but sweet cocktails. But spring is the best season for us to organize our meals and follow a consistent diet, especially because it is also the season where trees, flowers and plants bloom to achieve their brightest and most beautiful colors. On this occasion, we want to share with you a list of our favorite spring fruits and vegetables, so that you can go ahead and add them to your grocery list in order to prepare meals for the season!
Top 5 Probiotic Foods
Prebiotics are a form of dietary fiber that has the job of feeding the good bacteria in our guts, which are essentially probiotics. As we discussed in a previous blog post, Pre and probiotics. How are they different? These two compliment each other in order to produce nutrients that feed and support the friendly bacteria in our digestive system and that have health benefits when consumed. That is why, on this occasion we want to share with you the Top 5 probiotic foods so that you can improve your digestive health and live life to the fullest!
Top 5 Prebiotic Foods
Prebiotics are a form of dietary fiber that has the job of feeding the good bacteria in our guts, which are essentially probiotics. As we discussed in a previous blog post, Pre and probiotics. How are they different? These two complement each other to produce nutrients that feed and support the friendly bacteria in our digestive system and that have health benefits when consumed. That is why, on this occasion we want to share with you the Top 5 prebiotic foods so that you can improve your digestive health and live life to the fullest!