· By Daniela Casale
What should you eat for a healthy gut?
We all want to have a healthy gut, especially this time of the year. We get together, we eat a lot of artificial sweeteners, red meat, processed foods and of course, we drink wine to toast for a great year ahead. It is normal, we totally get it; but, you must try and stay aware of your gut-health.
Did you know that switching from a mostly animal-based diet to a mostly plant-based diet (and vice versa) can change the makeup of your microbiome in as little as 24 hours?
Isn't that shocking? Well this indicates that your gut can be very sensitive and we must pay attention to what you eat in order to keep our microbiome intact and reduce inflammation, keep your brain healthy and help you maintain a healthy weight.
Don't panic, it is easy to keep your gut happy with these foods we will enlist below. Just try and maintain a balanced diet these following days and you should be feeling your best!
Sauerkraut is made from cabbage and salt. During the fermentation process, microorganisms eat the sugar present in cabbage and produce carbon dioxide and acids. The probiotics created during fermentation assist with digestion and add good bacteria to your gut.
Kefir is extremely beneficial for your gut, it's like drinkable yogurt. It's made with kefir grains and similar to yogurt, kefir is packed with probiotics.
Miso is made from fermented soya beans, barley or rice, and contains a range good bacteria and enzymes. You can try it in dips, dressings and soups, it can also be used to give a tasty flavor to your salmon or tofu.
Traditionally produced cheese
These types of cheeses contain a huge amount of probiotics, which will benefit your health; it helps preserve bacteria during digestion.
Onions help build up gut flora, they also help lower cholesterol and relieve constipation.
Try to add them to your salads, on top of your turkey right before putting it in the oven, in burgers or roast with herbs and serve as a side.
Raspberries are filled with strong antioxidants that your gut microbes absolutely love. So go ahead and add them to your oatmeal, smoothies, yogurt, cereal or pancakes.
According to Lainey Younkin, from Eating Well, “green bananas (the unripe ones) are best for the gut because they contain resistant starch, a type of indigestible fiber that produces more good bugs when your microbes feed on it.”
Beans and legumes
Black beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils and white beans are the favorite food of the bacteria you have in your gut. This is beneficial for your digestive system, it means your bacteria are doing the work needed to be done.
Add garlic to every food you cook. It will give it a great taste and it's also an anti-inflammatory miracle for the body. Garlic can be used to season almost any dish you have in mind, trust us you won't be disappointed.
Asparagus is a powerful prebiotic for the gut and it may protect you against other diseases because they are filled with an antioxidant that fights off inflammatory compounds in the body. Try some asparagus with olive oil, salt, pepper and throw them into the oven and let them roast a bit. You can thank us later…
Whole Grains foods
Whole grains feed healthy bacteria. So try and include more brown rice, whole oats, quinoa, corn, popcorn, whole grain breads, whole-grain pastas. If refined grains are a part of your diet, try swapping them for these.
And of course, accompany these foods with Waku! Waku is based on a traditional recipe created centuries ago in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador. It’s locally known as “horchata lojana”, and it is consumed daily with a meal because of the digestive benefits and its great taste.
15 of the herbs have anti-inflammatory properties, 13 have digestive attributes, and 12 have analgesic benefits. Together, they help to prevent inflammation and soothe the digestive system, helping to bring balance to your gut and wellbeing to your body.
Think bacteria are bad? Now you know it isn't. Your body contains trillions of microbes, most of which are beneficial, so be mindful and try to eat more of these foods listed and your gut will be very thankful.
Best and Worst Foods to Eat for Gut Health
14 Healthy Whole-Grain Foods (Including Gluten-Free Options)
Gut Food - 15 Foods For Good Gut Health