· By Daniela Casale
Prebiotics - What Are They?
One question that keeps arising is what are prebiotics? Most people know that prebiotics are great for our general well being and may improve our digestive system, which is completely right, but there is more to them than you may think.
One thing is crystal clear and that is that consuming prebiotic foods and beverages leads to a healthier digestive system, but exactly how does this happen? Well, according to Health Line, “prebiotics are a form of dietary fiber that feed the “friendly” bacteria in your gut. This allows your gut bacteria to produce nutrients for your colon cells.”
So, if you consume prebiotic foods and beverages then you'll be giving your good bacteria the fuel it needs to produce nutrients that improve your digestive system; and therefore your general health. Remember, your immune system and overall well being is directly linked to your digestive system.
Why should you consume prebiotic foods and beverages?
Well, according to Mayo Clinic, prebiotics are foods (typically high-fiber foods) that act as food for human microflora. Prebiotics are in foods such as whole grains, bananas, greens, onions, garlic, soybeans and artichokes.
Increasing the number of prebiotic-containing foods in your diet may help with regulating blood sugar levels, maintaining a healthy weight, reducing blood lipids, supporting healthy intestinal motility and of course, feeding beneficial gut bacteria. Sounds pretty incredible, right?
How does Waku help you improve the absorption of prebiotics?
Well, Waku has 15 of the herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties, 13 have digestive attributes, and 12 have analgesic benefits. Together, they help to prevent inflammation and soothe the digestive system, helping to bring balance to your gut and wellbeing to your body.
If you consume it daily with a meal, your gut will be more “in shape” to absorb all the nutrients of the prebiotic-containing foods you consume. Also, you'll have more “friendly” bacteria to feed, which means more health benefits for you.
And, last but not least, all plants contain prebiotics in small amounts and as you know Waku is filled with amazing, glorious plants that have a ton of benefits for you. Click here to see all the herbs and flowers we use and its gut-healing superpowers, all are organic and sourced directly from smallholder farmer communities in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador.
20 Prebiotic Foods for Better Digestive Health
What are probiotics and prebiotics?