· By Doménica Palacios
"The Waku Effect"
If you have already tried Waku, you know exactly what we are talking about with the Waku effect. Our prebiotic herbal teas are full of flavor, freshness and deliciousness. They are vegan, caffeine free, GMO free and don't have any added sugar. Waku also contains 6 grams of prebiotic fiber which basically represents 25% of the daily fiber intake we should be consuming. These teas are perfect as a food pairing and will do absolute wonders for your gut health and overall digestion.
We are well aware that sometimes when a product claims to be super healthy it might taste too strong or be hard to obtain. However, Waku is the exception to all of that. Not only is it absolutely delicious, it is easy to buy, serve and consume. If we haven't convinced you by now, here are some honorable mentions that just prove how good and truly amazing Waku is. Take a look!
We are finalists for two major awards:
Our drive, motivation and effort has gotten us to the finals of two incredibly important and relevant U.S. investment competitions. In Waku, we are committed to keep using the freshest ingredients, grown on small farms with respect for the land, in service to our mission of improving lives back home in Ecuador.
Its is that commitment that has pushed us to participate and stand out as a natural focused brand that draws on centuries of Ecuadorian knowledge and biodiversity. We have created a deliciously replenishing brew that does wonders for digestion and has anti-inflammatory benefits.
Read all about it on these posts:
Still not convinced? Take a look at this amazing features and the overall feedback on Waku:
Waku on QVC (part 1):
“Ridiculously Delicious”
Waku on QVC (part 2):
“Pure Delicious Goodness”
Daily Mom:
“Experience sunrise on the inside with Waku”
You have many summer drinks and options for keeping cool this summer. Why not grab one that is not only delicious and refreshing but also packs an extra nutritional punch – especially for the kiddos? Say hello to Waku! This prebiotic herbal tea comes in amazing flavors like Lemon, Ginger Lemon, Passion Fruit, and Raspberry Rose.
Waku isn’t only good for the taste buds, it does wonders for your digestion, too. The powerful anti-inflammatory, digestive-boosting formula contains 6g of prebiotic fiber from chicory root.
Yahoo Finance:
“Waku is one of the first bottled teas to bring gut-health benefits”
Raised with an entrepreneurial spirit passed down from their parents, Estella and Giraldo took notice of the 62 million Americans diagnosed each year with digestive health disorders and wanted to do something about it. Having grown up in Ecuador with some of the world's best natural ingredients, both men immediately thought of the "horchata lojana" recipe they grew up drinking daily for its gut-health benefits and great taste.
Based in Boston, ingredients are responsibly sourced from Ecuadorian farmers in a region of the Andes Mountains that include a powerful botanical blend that have anti-inflammatory properties and digestive benefits. Combined, they help to prevent inflammation and create a balance between a person's gut and overall body wellbeing.
1 comment
I need to know what each flavor is for I’ve just been given this to try but I don’t know much about this tea can you please help me choose the right one for me
Marisa on